Monday, March 06, 2006


When it was time for dinner, Trevor told us he wanted lunch, cried a little and basically refused to eat.

Daddy took the compromise route. Try it, he said, and if you still don't want to eat it, we'll talk. Trevor didn't want to talk though. He just left the table.

A few minutes later, Daddy and I heard things. Bangs and bumps. Scary noises, like our house is slowly but surely being destroyed by a 3 year old scary. I ignored the noises. It's a skill I've developed lately. Daddy put dinner on hold and went to investigate.

Daddy found Trevor upstairs with the telescopic pole we use for cleaning, light bulb changing, and most recently helium balloon retrieval. Trevor had also dragged his little stool and the papasan footstool up to Devin's room.

Daddy said to Trevor, "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to take that pole from you." And then he asked what he was doing with the pole.

Trevor told Daddy that he wanted his Candyland game (hours earlier, Trevor told me he wanted to play Candyland.) Then, Trevor took Daddy to Devin's closet, and he pointed to the top shelf. "There it is!" he said. Daddy got it down, and then Trevor noted, "Oh, you can reach it."

The thing about this that makes Trevor so clever is that Daddy just used the pole to retrieve a helium balloon several times yesterday. He's a little problem solver, just like his dad.

Oh, and dinner. He finally ate it, along with 2 cups of applesauce. Motts makes a Granny Smith Applesauce that tastes like Jolly Ranchers. Yum.

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