Friday, February 24, 2006

These are the months of the Ye-ar!

Trevor's been singing a new song. It's the Months of the Year. It's very cute to watch him sing it. He uses his fingers and hands, and I have video that I will share when I have a chance.

2 awfully cute things. First, he always skips November, and with the tune, I can't even figure out how to fit it in. Second, it ends like this:
These are the months of the year
Fill them with fun and with cheer
the months of the year.

In Trevor's version, it goes:
These are the months of the ye-ar (2 syllables)
Fill them with fun and with chill (2 syllables)
the months of the year-o.

He won' be corrected on the chill and year-o version, either. In fact, the year is part of the year-o, or something to that effect.

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