Thursday, September 29, 2005

Seems Like...

Trevor has lately been saying things like, "what seems to be the problem here?" And, "It seems like it's raining outside."

He's really a brilliant little mockingbird.

Last night, he was wearing his fireman hat and said, "what seems to be the problem here?" I was a little confused, but daddy set me straight by saying, "oh, no that chair is on fire!" Fireman Trevor put out the fire and asked again, "what seems to be the problem here?" I told him the papasan chair was on fire, and he said "no, it's not." I told him Daddy's feet were on fire, but he didn't believe that either.

Anyway, Trevor was a Higglytown Hero for putting out that first little pretend fire.

Oh, speaking of pretend...I tried to get him to go back to sleep last night by offering him a pretend didn't work. He said, "no, mommy piggy, not a pretend snack." Brilliant, brilliant boy.

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