Monday, July 31, 2006

Cinnamon Rolls

I know how Mommies make their children fat.

There is nothing quite so rewarding as that moment when your little child empties his plate of your home made treat, and then brings the plate to you for more.

I used my food processor to make cinnamons rolls yesterday. They were pretty good. Not as good as the ones at Holiday Inn Express, but not bad at all (the secret is butter!). This morning, Devin came downstairs where Trevor had a plate of chopped up cinnamon roll. He ate the whole thing, then asked for more. He ate all of the second one, and then asked for more. It felt good to be a baking mommy!

It's a good thing it took all morning to make those cinnamon rolls. Not something I'm likely to do again in the near future...

And, it's also a good thing that I don't make Cheetos or chocolate bars.

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