In addition to being a blogger slacker, I've been having computer issues. It all started this summer when my hard drive crashed. Unfortunately, it was my work computer, and work got me up and running, but it was slow. That was no good. And, I lost my connection to the drive where we keep our pics. And, then John upgraded to the latest version of Windows, and we lost our online picture database. So, now we have to use a different online picture database. We're choosing
As with life, photos has a learning curve. Plus, I was still having issues with my computer until this week. But, now. I think I am good. I think I can start posting photos again. But, I have a backlog. So, if you look out your window and see snow, like I see snow out my window right now on October 17th, and then look here and see a picture of Trevor on his first day of school and feel a little weepy for the passing of summer into winter with only a fleeting taste of fall, I apologize. Technology can make you cry...
On with it...
We went to Florida in August. We drove to Ocala from here all in one day! We spent some time with our dear Grandma Roth.
She's just as pretty as a summer day. Tell her I said so.
Here, John helps Aunt Louise with her new phone.
I love Devin's blue gray eyes. He's a handsome devil.
Sometimes, Trevor takes a picture that doesn't look much like Trevor. This is one of those. Silly. But, his eyes! I love his HUGE blue eyes.
After Ocala, we went to Disney World with Vikki and her family. Awesome. Disney is always more fun with family and friends. What wasn't fun, though, was waiting. And, waiting is part of the Disney Experience. While we waited, we made the kids make faces, then we took their pictures:
Trevor and his tonsils
That's it for now. It's going to take a few hours to upload all 810 pics, so I had better just go find something else to do.
Check back soon for First Day of School photos, Snow Day photos, and of course, pictures from Devin's 5th Birthday.
1 comment:
I love the pictures. We (Jack, Tina and I)were discussing your blog and decided your blog,the fact that we miss catching up on all the news with the boys and the pictures. I tried to get on your picture site just the other day. I knew you should have some more pictures up.
Love you all.
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