We had Trevor's birthday at Fun Unleashed this year. A good time was had by all. No tears, no muss, no fuss. It is the way to go!
Do you remember when I told you about how Trevor once told me he'd never tried Root Beer, he'd only tried Real Beer? Well, Fun Unleashed is the place where they served him that real beer (which was really Mug Root Beer, I hope you recall). He loves it. This is what Trevor looks like when he drinks Root beer:
Please note. Don't give Trevor Root Beer unless you are prepared.
I had all the kids make funny faces, then I took their pictures. I'd like to share the other pics, but I better not seeing how those other kids aren't my kids. Here's Trevor's funny face:
Here's his tower of cakes. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Trevor!
One of his presents was a blow up mattress with Spiderman. We used it to have a sleepover with Trevor and Devin. We did that for 3 nights, then we just moved Devin's bed to Trevor's room. They share a room now.
It's not a clean room, though.
And, this is Trevor and Devin with their great grandmother. I didn't get her permission to post her picture on my blog. I hope she doesn't mind.
You know what? Most of those bday pics have other people's children in them. So, that's really all I can share on my blog. So, here's a last filler picture of the boys at Walt Disney World to get you warmed up for my next Disney filled post to come at a later date:
It was a really nice party, though. There were kids, cupcakes, kool-aid, root beer, pizza, goodie bags, intensity, fun, fun, fun! And, now Trevor is 6. Only 12 years until he's out of here! Oh, no! Just 12 years!
1 comment:
Were you saying something? Bossy was distracted by the cupcakes.
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