Thursday, October 09, 2008

Happy Birthday, Trevor!

(I am not sure how this happened. I didn't blog Trevor's first birthday because I wasn't blogging back then, and I missed his second birthday for the same reason. I got his third birthday on video, but I completely blew off his 4th and 5th birthdays. I am working on making amends for this hugely gross oversight!)

You have to know that our one year old baby was pretty tired on his first birthday!

We invested in birthday hats! What a lovely Dining Room we had in that 1890 house in downtown Waukegan. Boy, it was cold in the winter, though!

Mad Cake Skillz

Like, uh, didn't we just do this yesterday or something??!

Look at the Happiness!

Maybe the hats weren't a good investment:

We didn't do any of that smushing. It was all Trevor.

Look at those HUGE BLUE EYES! I tell him he looks like a Christmas ornament with those eyes, that hair, those cheeks! He loves this (for now).

Here's where the party got out of control!

Oh my goodness, he was a pretty 1 year old!

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