Sunday, October 28, 2007


Wait, it's not what you think!

We got a deck of cards, and the Computer Guy taught Trevor how to play Go Fish and War and somewhere along the way, Trevor internalized that the Ace is the high card.

As they were playing War last night, Trevor's hand was face up, and for every card the Computer Guy threw down, Trevor threw down his Ace. Every hand. Everything was great until the Computer Guy threw down an Ace. Trevor threw down his Ace, and it was War. Somehow, the Computer Guy won that hand. And, Trevor cried and cried and cried. Then, I said to him "Daddy won't play cards with a crybaby." I said the words kinda gently. I really did. Well, good thing for him, he sucked it up (without me having to say "Suck it up!") and he was able to finish his game. He found another Ace, luckily, and won the game.

(I played the game with him this morning, and after a good night's rest, he actually won the game without cheating at all.)

Oh, and...............

Bring them home.

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