It was so hard on Trevor not be having a birthday, too. Plus, letting him pick out gifts for Devin completely captivated his imagination since he knew he would get to play with the new toys.
Way Cool Toy that folds up for easy storage.
Yes, we did. We got him a drum! So there! Now you can't sneak attack us with loud and obnoxious gifts because we did it to ourselves! We're immune to future loud gifts now!
This funny kid got more excited about gifts not from Mom, Dad and Trevor. I think that makes him a Playa!
Cool fold up toy, folded out.
See, I'm really a very creative being...
I was just trying to get one good picture.
Grandma tried to help by telling him to look at me, but that just made him look at her, with this look on his face.
When that look turned to this look, I quit trying.
After looking for candles or 10 minutes, I finally found these. They're tealights, not birthday candles. But, it was the best I could do. And, then Trevor blew them out, not Devin. Because Devin was too distracted by cake.
Oh, and I made a Lasagna, too. And, it was my best lasagna, ever. I think I've only made two, but I was really pleased with this second one. Devin enjoyed his birthday lasagna way more than I expected, asking for a second helping, even! (He didn't eat the second helping, but he asked for it!)
And now, he is 3. He's not interested in using the potty this week, either.
Oh, and this is my house in the fall:
I feel like the Queen of Mums because I pinched those mums and they're huge and quite lovely. I just hope they come back next year or I won't be the Queen of Mum any more. I'll the be the queen of a flowerless flowerbed, and that will be sad.
Wow! Beautiful! Nice home too!
Birthday Boy looked great and very excited about all the new toys. Tell both boys I said hi and give them a hug from me. House and yard looks beautiful.
Love MOM
Trish, Your lovely home reminds me of a house in Barnsdall. Everytime Penny and I would go through there, she would go by and look at that house. Yours is very nice. The mums are very colorful.
Love, Mary
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