Toothbrush in the living room. No one ever said keeping toothbrushes in logical places was going to be easy.
The headband I keep in the bathroom to keep my hair off my face when I wash my face. No one ever said that keeping kids out of my bathroom was going to be easy.
A toy dog in a decorative crock. No one ever said teaching kids to put away toys was going to be easy.
A power supply in my living room. No one ever said having 4 computers was going to be easy. Or, is it 5. I think it's 5. I'm not counting the gaming console.
Our new sink. Actually, this is an example of why it's good to marry a handy man. No one ever said installing new sinks was easy, and it wasn't. But, I didn't do it, so it was. And, doesn't it look lovely?
A drill in my kitchen. No one ever said decorating your home was going to be easy.
A battery for the drill recharging in my dining room. No one ever said decorating your dining room was going to be easy.
Socks, band-aids and scissors on my dresser. No one ever said sorting socks or finding a place for band-aids and scissors was going to be easy.
Barely touched bowl of oatmeal that was made after Trevor asked for it no less than 6 times. No one ever said feeding your kids was going to be easy.
Milk on the leg of dining room table. Age=Unknown. No one ever said that keeping your dining room table clean of old dried milk was going to be easy.
Trash can in front of the sink.
A really nice place to keep a shiny bathroom trashcan.
The trashcan in its nice little spot by the toilet.
No one ever said that keeping a trash can in one spot all the time was going to be easy.
Mostly empty coffeepot. No one ever said that sharing coffee with the mom was going to be easy.
I hope you've enjoyed my photo essay. Good day.
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