Enjoy your ice cream!
Like Daddy!
Or, like Devin...
Yeah, that's better...
Did you know that I am officially closer to 40 than 30 now? I guess this was also true immediately following my 35th birthday, but it didn't really hit home until my Dad exposed that particular truth to me several weeks before my 36th birthday...
Really, 40? Hardly seems right...
Happy Birthday to Mommy! Yes! A Captain Jack Sprinkler!
Yes! Organization!!
YES! An Oprah Book Club Book!
Double Chin and almost 40! Let's make cake!!
Trevor does the candles.
Devin decorates his cake...
The intensity of the artist at work is amazing...
He's cute, don't ya think? I think...
See that outfit? He got it when he was about 18 months old from his cousin Stephanie. I think she had gotten if for a friend's 6 month old, and it was too small. He's 4 now. He still wears it. It's his favorite thing to wear, ever!
In a more serious moment...
The march of the freckles continue.
Aunt Vikki, the funeral director to be, made this when she was Aunt Vikki, the budding young artist. It's on my work desk right now. It said to me the other day, "Hey Tricia, take my picture and post it on your blog!"
I think I will call him Eugene.
Speaking of working from home, here's my office mate, hard at work...
Here's my other office mate:
I think I've reached a conclusion. Having my cat sit on my computer is NOT an advantage of working from home. Not at all. Sometimes, she sits by my mouse and then bites me when I try to use it! Other times, she blocks my screen. Silly cat.
Guess What?! You're now all caught up on our lives, mostly!!
Tricia, Thanks for catching us up. I enjoyed the pictures, and the tour of your birthday gifts. Love MOM
Tricia, Happy belated birthday. I didn't know you looked so much like Vikki, the side view of you, really looks like her. I thought it was for a sec. Your boys are precious, and Eugene's not bad.
Aunt Mary
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