When we decided that moving was the right thing to do, we introduced the idea to Trevor slowly. We told him what was going on, and he resisted. So, we stopped talking about it. Then we got our real estate agent to come over and talk to us. His name is Chuck, but Trevor called him Cha, and didn't appreciate his visit.
Then, they stuck a sign in the front yard. Trevor threatened to knock it down himself, told us to take it down, and told us that he just didn't like it at all. we proceeded with caution, and just tried to avoid the subject. When we did talk to him about it, it was always about how great it would be. He wasn't interested. He wanted to stay with the neighbors, and if they moved, he would just move with them. He just wasn't having any of it.
Then, one day, it was cold. His bedroom gets really cold in the winter and really hot in the summer. Once last summer, it was 94 degrees in there with the A/C on! So, Trevor and his dad were talking about how cold it had been in the bedroom the night before. Dad suggested that we just get Trevor a new room. It seemed like a good idea to Trevor. Dad further suggested that we get Trevor a new room in a new house in a different state. This was also palatable to Trevor. Ever since then, Trevor has been OK with the move. Now that it's warm outside, if I don't watch him, he plays with that sign and I'm afraid he will take it down on top of his head. But, it's not because he doesn't want to move. I guess that For Sale sign is fun to play with. Now, Trevor seems to look forward to the move. I hope that we have good neighbors with a 4 year old son who likes Hot Wheels and can tolerate a 2 year old. That's what I hope for. Hope for it with me, please. That would make every thing perfect...
What For Sale Sign???? I thought you already had the house sold and was going to close on it on the 15th of June..... Why is the For Sale Sign still in the yard?? I'm confused.
By the way I like the new format of your blog. Loved the picture of Devin with his teacher. It did kinda look like he liked his teacher.
Love MOM
Oh, it is sold and the close date is the 15th. We're all good. The realtor just leaves it there for advertisement, I think. The sign is plastic, but it's holder is heavy and wooden, and I'm sure it would be bad if Trevor pulls it down on his head.
Thanks for letting me know. I kind of figured it out at work last night when I thinking about why it would still be there. I know I have seen the For Sale signs in yards that have SOLD on the top of them. Love You all.
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