The time between bath and pajamas was too long. Devin needed to warm up!
We got a new lens for the camera and hadn't quite figured out how to work it.
Bath Picture.
Today was show day at Gymnastics. Trevor didn't really feel like participating. He preferred to sit still and watch the motion all around him.
Despite his lack of participation in the big finale for the semester, he was awarded a medal.
Devin will follow Trevor everywhere and do whatever Trevor does. It's cool.
See that tree? It gets all broken like that in the winter, but then recovers in the summer. Poor Tree.
Here's the center of the tree.
this is the tree next to it.
Someone told me I could cut this back and it would grow up all nice and pretty. I love to prune things, so I cut it all the way to the ground. I think this is a pretty picture. But, the bush itself never recovered from my severe pruning. It's pretty thin.
Same shot. Photo-shopped.
Macro mode. It's fun when it works (which would be all the time if I knew what I was doing, but I don't so when it works for me, it's fun.)
Here's an extreme closeup of our horsey's eye.
Snow in Trevor's mittened hand.
He looks pensive in this picture, I think.
Wary, maybe?
Same look, different day, different kid.
Devin was being a pretty good subject, today:
When I was 5, I got this thought in my head. Smiling for a camera was not natural. So, my unnatural smile in those grade school (even high school) portraits is not surprising to me. What is surprising that Trevor's already got this idea about smiling for a camera.
I think, in fact, it was this picture where I began to think how absurd it was to smile at a camera behind which stood a person I didn't even know. The whole thing made me nervous. (and, where the heck did I get such a big head??)
Look at my hair. Why'd my mom fix my hair that way when she knew it was picture day?
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