Whenever Trevor hears a story, either on the iPod or from a read book, I ask him what he has learned. Sometimes his answers surprise me (see Three Little Pigs). Other times, I have to lead him to the moral of the story.
Sometimes, though, I think it's probably just best to listen stories for their entertainment value only.
Take Snow White for example, the moral of the story there is "Don't take candy from strangers" or maybe "Don't trust strangers." But at the end of the story, the prince kisses a dead girl and brings her back to life and marries her and they live happily ever after. I'd like to add that there's no morals there. Don't kiss dead princesses, no matter how pretty they are. I left that one alone. Then, there's Green Eggs and Ham. What's the moral there? It is don't be afraid to try new things? But, does the protaganist know the antagonist, or is Sam-I-Am a stranger? Should the protaganist really be taking those green eggs from the strange Sam-I-am?
Parenting is really fraught with a lot of complexities.
On another note, Devin insisted yesterday that several people and things were funny, including Granpa. And, he thinks Granpa should come to his house. At least, I think he spent a lot of time talking about Granpa. He's also a little sicky now, with a cold and the usual accompanying asthma. He spent most of last night awake crying and saying "Oooweee." He never would tell us where exactly it hurt, so I pumped him full of albuterol. He's at the doctor this morning with Daddy, and I certainly hope he doesn't spend the entire morning there.
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