Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hayna, revisted.

Yesterday, after gymnastics, I was Hayna again.

I guess I'm Hayna when Trevor really, really, REALLY likes me.

This was Trevor's second Gymnastics class. It's offered by the local park district, and I really like the teacher and the class size. It's at the Freshman center, though, and I do not like the surroundings. I may be spoiled, but it's smelly, and even the teacher told us not to drink the water! (She said it was wormy).

But, Trevor doesn't seem to mind the smell, and he is really enjoying the class. I went ahead and signed him up for another session in July. I want to sign him up for soccer, but I think he's too young, yet.

He's the smallest in his class, and perhaps, the least athletic. But, his balance is impressive. On his forward rolls, well, he couldn't even do them in the first class. But, he was able to do them yesterday with teacher's help. But, he didn't even try to get up. He just landed on his back, and sorta laid there until the teacher told him to stand up.

Oh, and yesterday, one of his classmates fell off the little balance beam. It was so cute...she got back up after a little crying jag and walked the beam...crying and whining the whole way. Then, she was fine. But, Trevor ran over to me and said, "See what happens!" Who says this? Is it me? Is it Daddy? I don't think so. I think it's Miss Dena and Miss Kelly.

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